What projects are co-financed by the Transnational Cooperation OP?
It focuses on cooperation between public authorities and institutions with the attributes of public authorities. The objective is information exchange and sharing of experience, especially in the fields of innovation, transport accessibility, the environment and increased attractiveness of cities and regions.
The purpose of the cooperation is to ensure access to knowledge and instruments for creating partnership, to avoid unnecessary repetition of activities and having to invent what has already been invented. The creation of partnerships and networking that contribute to achieving specific outputs and results that lead directly to future initiatives and investments will be promoted.
Graphic representation of the Central European zone.

How is the Transnational Cooperation OP financed?
The OP is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), from which € 37.46 million has been earmarked for the Czech Republic, an amount that is approximately 0.14% of all funds designated for the Czech Republic from EU funds.
Is the programme structured in any way?
The Transnational Cooperation OP contains five priorities dividing the operational programme into logical units, which are further materialised through areas of intervention, which define what projects may be supported under the respective priority axis. The priority axes are as follows:
Facilitation/enabling of innovation in Central Europe
Improvement of access to Central Europe and, in the framework thereof
Responsible utilisation of the environment
Improvement of competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions
Technical assistance