OP Czech Republic - Poland is designated for the Czech regions of Liberecký, Královéhradecký, Pardubický, Olomoucký and Moravskoslezský; on the Polish side, the programme is designate for the regions of jeleniogórsko-wałbrzyského, opolského, rybnicko-jastrzębského and bielsko-bialského.
How is OP Czech Republic - Poland financed?
OP Czech Republic - Poland is a regional operational programme under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective. € 219.46 million has been earmarked for it from the European Regional Development Fund, and this amount should be supplemented from Czech and Polish national public resources.
What projects are supported by the OP Czech Republic - Poland?
The OP Czech Republic - Poland contains four priority axes dividing the operational programme into logical units, which are further materialised through areas of intervention, which define what projects may be supported under the respective priority axis. The priority axes are as follows:
Improvement of accessibility, environmental protection and risk prevention
Improvement of the conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and tourism
Promotion of cooperation between local associations
Technical assistance