OPTA supplements the other operational programmes that, for their effective management, also have resources for technical assistance. OPTA provides them with technical assistance on the central level, guarantees a coordinated approach in the management of the operational programmes and organises the implementation of activities related to management of the operational programmes with an overlap across all operational programmes, for example arranging publicity for the EU Funds or training implementation structures on the national level and with respect to horizontal topics.
How is OPTA financed?
OPTA is financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is a
multi-objective thematic operational programme. A greater part of the programme is financed from the financial resources of the Convergence Objective (approx. € 225.6 million); a smaller part is financed from the Regional Competitiveness and Employment Objective (approx. € 3.6 million). For both objectives, a total of
€ 0.229 billion has been earmarked from the EU funds and the state budget.
What projects are financed from the OPTA?
OPTA comprises
8 priority axes, four of which are intended for the Convergence objective and four for the Regional Competitiveness and Employment objective. All of these priority axes are divided up into identical areas of intervention defining what types of activities may be supported under the respective area of intervention. Its content is as follows:
Management and Coordination Support
Administrative and Absorption Capacity
OP Technical Assistance was approved by the European Commission on 27 December 2007. The revised OP was approved by the EC in November 2011.