8th Evaluation Conference in Prague

8th Evaluation Conference in Prague

Event type: Conference
Event date: 3. 11. 2022 8:45 AM - 7:00 PM Add to your calendar
Event location: Ministry of Regional Development CZ, entrance from Pařížská 4, Prague
Event location detail: 8th Evaluation Conference in Prague: Focused on Regions, Cohesion Policy Facts for Evidence Informed Policymaking
Capacity: 20 (remains free: 10)
Deadline for application: 25. 10. 2022 12:00 PM

8th annual conference of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic - National Coordination Authority: „Focused on Regions, Cohesion Policy Facts for Evidence Informed Policymaking“ - THE EVENT HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE

The conference day will be held on November 3, 2022 at the Academy of Public Investment of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic (entrance from Pařížská 4).
This year's conference will discuss evaluation as a basis for evidence-informed decision-making as well as Cohesion policy as a tool for the development of all regions. The conference will be attended not only by representatives of the Czech evaluation community and decision-makers especially at the level of deputy ministers but also international guests (e.g. European Commission, OECD, the European Court of Auditors or representatives of other EU member states).

You can find more detailed information about the conference in the attached Program and Brochure, where you can view the annotations of the contributions and bios of the speakers.

Evaluation unit of the National Coordination Authority,
Ministry of Regional Development CZ

Contact us using the details below, should you have any questions or problems connected with registration:
Kateřina Gregorová
tel.: +420 224 861 838
e-mail: katerina.gregorova@mmr.cz

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