EU funds in the Czech Republic > National Coordination Authority

National Coordination Authority

The National Coordination Authority oversees the absorption of the EU Cohesion Policy Funds in the Czech Republic. It prepares the rules governing the drawdown, coordinates the activities of the Managing Authorities and negotiates with the European Commission. In addition, its activities include administration of the monitoring system, evaluation of the drawdown and proposing measures to prevent potential risks, as well as ensuring the publicity of European funds in the Czech Republic.

Under Government Resolution No. 198 of February 22, 2006 and No. 448 of June 12, 2013 the role of the National Coordination Authority (NCA) is performed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the CR. In the programming period 2007-2013 the NCA was responsible for the management and coordination of the implementation and fulfilment of the objectives set in the National Strategic Reference Framework. In the current programming period it carries out the same activities in view of the Partnership Agreement. The NCA followed up the work of the MoRD as the Managing Authority of the Community Support Framework, a position which it held in the shortened programming period 2004-2006. Currently, the NCA is involved in negotiating the terms for the programming period after 2020.

Role of the NCA

The central methodological and coordinating role of the NCA is based on the following basic principles of efficient management:

  • Existence of one central methodological authority in the implementation environment,
  • Existence of a central coordinating authority for monitoring implementation of all programmes co-financed by the EU funds,
  • Existence of a designation authority,
  • Existence of one Official Partner to the European Commission (EC) regarding the implementation of cohesion policy.
  • Existence of one monitoring system administrator,
  • Existence of one central authority for publicity and building of absorption capacity.

The central management and coordination is strengthened in the programming period 2014-2020 thanks to the experience from the previous programming period and due to the performed evaluation of the efficiency of the EU funds management and implementation system in the CR. The strengthening of this role is also down to EU regulations relating to cohesion policy, which feature elements that require much stronger management and coordination at the central level for the achievement of the objectives and priorities of the Partnership Agreement. The NCA system and activities are set to ensure, in particular, the ability of the Czech Republic to effectively exhaust the entire assigned allocation from the EU funds.

NCA activities

The scope of the NCA competence can be divided into several areas of activities:

1) Methodological role for the functional implementation environment
The methodological role lies in the setting of uniform minimum standards and rules for the implementation of all programmes co-financed by EU funds, especially in the area of ​​monitoring, evaluation, selection and assessment of projects, eligible expenditure, risk management - etc.

2) Coordination for achievement of results

Another key activity of the NCA is the monitoring and evaluation of programme implementation. Based on the identification and risk assessment in individual programmes, the NCA submits proposals for measures to improve results and moreover it coordinates related processes leading to the achievement of the objectives and priorities set in the Partnership Agreement.

3) Designation authority

At the beginning of the programming period based on the results of the audits conducted by the Ministry of Finance, the NCA appointed Managing Authorities and the Paying and Certifying Authority in the CR. During the programme implementation, it oversees the fulfilment of the criteria according to which the appointment was made. In the case of major failures in the management and control system it proposes relevant measures to improve the situation.

4) Partner of the European Commission for efficient communication

The NCA fulfils the role of the main partner for the EC with regards to the EU funds implementation in the Czech Republic. It provides the EC with summarized information about the implementation of programmes co-financed by the EU funds and discusses with it the problems and risks occurred.

5) Administrator of a monitoring system for ensuring quality data
The NCA operates an integrated information system for management, coordination, monitoring and appraisal (evaluation) of programmes and their operations at all levels of administrative and financial management.

6) Publicity to ensure awareness and absorption capacity
The NCA provides a uniform and coherent information campaign on the utilization of EU funds in the CR and coordinates activities of Managing Authorities in this area. The publicity objective is to ensure the provision of transparent information on all programmes and funding options with contributions from EU funds. This is also connected with the creation of absorption capacity.

7) Other activities:
- Coordinating the fulfilment of the  ex-ante conditionalities  set by the EC,
- Development and strengthening of strategic management and planning in the preparation and implementation of the programming period, Partnership Agreement or individual programmes, in general also emphasising the quality of strategic work in the CR ,
- Supporting the development of institutional and administrative capacities as well as knowledge and skills of staff involved in the programme implementation,
- Supervising compliance with the rules set out by the relevant European and national legislation concerning the EU funds implementation,
- Coordinating the preparation of annual reports submitted to the EC as well as other reports, including parts of the National Reform Programme aimed supporting Europe 2020 Strategy  via the EU funds.
- Cooperation with other partner authorities, especially the Ministry of Finance (Audit Authority, Paying and Certifying Authority) and other entities of the implementation structure in the CR and abroad.

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