Operational Programme Transport 2014-2020 (hereinafter "OPT2"), which follows the Operational Programme Transport 2007-2013 (hereinafter "OPT1"), represents the most important source of financing for the construction of transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic in the programming period 2014-2020.
It is one of the largest operational programmes - it takes about 17% of all funds for the Czech Republic from the European Structural and Investment Funds in the programming period. Shortening travel times, reducing negative impacts or noise pollution, taking the transit traffic from city centres, improving travel and improving the accessibility of public transport for persons with disabilities, these all are objectives that are being met thanks to OPT2.
Through OPT2 it is possible to finance infrastructure for rail transport, combined freight and urban public transport; then the road infrastructure owned by the state (motorways and main roads); and last but not least the public infrastructure for clean mobility (charger for electric vehicles and filling stations for alternative fuels), modernizing rolling stock fleet and cargo vessels.

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