For the purposes of the coordination of aid provided by the European Community on the state level, the MCC was established by Government Resolution No. 1180 of 22 October 2007 based on Section 18 of Act No. 248/2000 Coll., on support of regional development. The MCC fulfils the function of a monitoring committee on the level of the NSRF. The chair of the MCC is the Minister of Regional Development, who appoints and recalls MCC members. According to its statutes it has a maximum of 50 members, chiefly political representatives. As a rule, it meets twice per calendar year. Through its resolutions, it provides recommendations on further steps in the area of the SF/CF. The MCC may submit information or specific measures to the Government of the Czech Republic for information or approval.
The following matters in particular are presented to the MCC for approval:
Current state of utilisation for the 2004-2006 and 2007-2013 programming periods
Changes in the NSRF
Changes in operational programmes (so-called revision of OP pursuant to Article 33 of General Regulation No. 1083/2006)
Further fundamental changes in the setup of the implementation system
Overview of current issues and proposals for improving the overall functionality of the implementation system in the Czech Republic.