ESPON 2020 programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and it can be used by public and private entities from both the EU Member States as well as from 4 partner countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland). There are different ways to participate in of benefit from the programme. As a stakeholders, they can express their interest for targeted analyses and apply for specific evidence to support their policy processes. As a service provider, they can compete in public procurements for the production of evidence and other delivery services. Moreover all programme materials are free and available for further use through ESPON media and tools.
ESPON 2020 mainly focuses on the following target groups:
- European policymakers
- National policymakers and practitioners
- Authorities implementing ESIF programmes and preparing periodical reports
- Regional and local policymakers and practitioners
- Organizations promoting regional/urban interests at EU level
- University academic, researchers as well as students as future decision makers
- The private sector and wider European audience.
The managing authority is ensured by the Luxembourg Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure. The ESPON EGTC in its function is the responsible body implementing all activities and represents the principal interlocutor. Programme official language is English.
The activities of the ESPON 2020 Programme are grouped around one Priority and 5 Specific Objectives.
Specific Objective 1:
Enhance European territorial evidence production through applied research and analyses
The implementation of at least 22 applied research projects based on policy demand mostly covering the whole of Europe shall foster the European territorial and analytical evidence base and help better understand the medium and long-term territorial trends and future prospects for Europe.
Specific Objective 2:
Upgraded knowledge transfer and use of analytical support
At least 25 targeted analysis projects proposed by and implemented in partnership with groups of stakeholders shall support the provision of territorial evidence and provides to evidence support to European funding programmes. Furthermore 45 thematic papers in form of policy briefs and working papers on specific themes in response to policy demand shall be prepared.
Specific Objective 3:
Improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses
The creation of maintenance of at least 8 territorial observation, monitoring and analytical online tools is intended. Furthermore, the publications of 3 major territorial monitoring reports is planned at significant moment over the programme period in order to inform and support important policy development processes.
Specific Objective 4:
Wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence
At least in total 60 activities covering minimum 40 events and 20 publications related to European, transnational and national levels are planned in order to support outreach users and the widest possible use of European territorial evidence in practice. ESPON also shift some activities towards digital media and communications.
All relevant documents are available on the
EPSON website.