Interreg Central Europe

The programme will support the cooperation of partners (from among public institutions, the private sector and civil society) from several countries, who will, in their project, develop and implement new solutions needed to maintain the attractiveness and readiness for change in the Central European region.

Cooperation should aim at: improving policy making, education and the effectiveness of change; dissemination of knowledge, including its transfer and exchange; better coordinated cooperation and better governance at various levels; removal of barriers; new or better services; behavioural changes; public influence and financial leverage - including the preparation of subsequent investments.

The backbone of the programme's financing strategy will be priorities and specific objectives in the areas of innovation, green energy, climate change, the circular economy, environmental protection, greening of urban mobility, strengthening governance for integrated territorial development; and negotiations are still held on including improvements in transport connectivity. The outputs and activities will certainly be soft in most cases (strategies, action plans, tools, training, structures such as clusters, value chains, etc.), but pilot activities are also planned.

The co-financing rate from the ERDF for Czech beneficiaries should reach 80% of eligible expenditure.

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